Os dejo este fragmento del vídeo de los Simpsons,
Con estos verbos, a ver si podéis escribir 5 frases para contar lo que sucede en la peli.
1. Plot (tramar)
2. Fall asleep (quedarse dormido)
3. Sleep (dormer)
4. Copy (copiar)
5. Put a tablet (poner una pastille)
6. Take the remote (coger el mando)
7. Choose a channel (escoger un canal)
8. Change the tv channel (cambiar el canal)
9. Cough (toser)
10. Smoke (fumar)
11. Try to trick (intentar engañar)
12. Watch tv (ver la tele)
13. Wait (esperar)
14. Argue (discutir)
15. Fight (pelearse)
16. Offer a drink (ofrecer una bebida)
17. Refuse a drink (negarse a beber)
18. Taste a drink (probar una bebida)
19. Force to drink (obligar a beber)
20. Pass a drink (pasar una bebida)
21. Come for dinner (venir a comer)
22. Stop (parar, detener)
23. Drug (drogar)
24. Have an idea (tener una idea)
25. Stand up (ponerse de pie)
26. Sit down (sentarse)
+ ing double last letter drop the "E" + ing
Falling asleep plotting taking the remote
Sleeping putting a tablet Choosing a channel
Copying Stopping Changing the tv channel
Coughing Drugging Smoking
Trying to trick sitting down refusing to drink
Watching tasting a drink
Waiting forcing to drink
Fighting coming for dinner
Offering a drink having an idea
Passing a drink arguing
Standing up
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