lunes, 7 de enero de 2013

Countable and uncountable nouns

affirmative negative interrogative
singular a a a
plural  some/ a lot of ……..s any/ a lot of   …….S any/ a lot of   …….S
uncountable Ø/ some/ a lot of any/ a lot of any/ a lot of

affirmative negative interrogative
singular a cat a rabbit a lap top
plural  some/ a lot of cats any/ a lot of   rabbitS any/ a lot of  lap topS
uncountable Ø/ some/ a lot of sugar any/ a lot of water any/ a lot of oil

 How much?   uncountable nouns

How many?    countable plural nouns


Would you like..... some milk?

Journalists in 6ºB

Our students have become expert journalists and they have interview these fantastic teachers!
let's have a look!

Show us the way!

Alejandro shows us the way!

Sonia shows us the way!

Iván shows us the way!

Ismael shows us the way!