lunes, 20 de junio de 2016

Recomendaciones de verano para 6º

Recomendaciones de la asignatura de  inglés de 6º para el verano
Este curso hemos trabajado mucho, ahora a la mayoría os toca descansar y disfrutar.
Aún así os recordamos que un idioma no se aprende sólo en clase, pues, cuanto más tiempo estamos expuestos a un idioma mejor aprendemos..
Por eso os mandamos una lista de recomendaciones y os pedimos que animéis a vuestros hijos a que vean un poquito la tele en inglés, vídeos en inglés por internet y que visiten páginas donde jugar en inglés.
Con dedicar quince minutitos cada día, los niños y niñas van asimilando mejor estructuras y vocabulario, sin tener que memorizarlas.
Importante: Los que no habéis superado la asignatura deberéis entregar estos ejercicios copiados en un cuaderno a la vuelta de vacaciones
Os recomendamos que  vuestros hijos visiten Juedeland Simplemente poned en google juedeland y accedéis a la página o con  el acceso directo
Desde juedeland podéis acceder a estos accesos directos
Desde la página de TVE podéis acceder a let’s clan y ver los dibujos en inglés.
Os agradecemos vuestra colaboración y aprovechamos para desearos un feliz verano
Teacher Alexia
Happy summer

domingo, 3 de abril de 2016

see you soon!

Hi everyone!

The teacher is absent due to a maternity leave.
Hope you are all fine and enjoying life.

Stay well and see you soon!

martes, 3 de noviembre de 2015

Unit one notes

In this unit we are working with three tenses (tiempos verbales) which are:

Past simple
Past Continuous
Present perfect

Past simple
In the affirmative we only use word. (simple, remember?)
We have to see if the verb is regular or irregular:

But in the negative and the interrogative, we use DID


We use the past simple for short actions (with a long action in past continuous)

We also use the past simple to give details about something we did in the past (giving details to a questions with Have you ever.....)

Past continuous

It always has two words: (was/ were and ING)

In the negative and the interrogative we don't write DID.

Use of the Past Continuous

To describe a long action.

Do you remember this image?

We have a short action (in past simple)
"When the accident happened ....
And some long actions (in past continuous)
.... we were having a party".

Present perfect
It has two words:
have /has (here they mean "Haber") and a past participle

To write the past participle we have to pay attention to regular and irregular verbs:

Use of the present perfect

- To say we have the experience of doing something

-  To ask about details we use the past simple

Important words used with the Present perfect

Yet always goes at the end of a sentence.

In the negative: it means "todavía"

In the interrogative: it means "YA"

Already goes before the past particicle
I have already played
Already means "YA"
We are going to use it in the affirmative

(but it is sometimes used in the interrogative to show surprise)

Unit 1

To help you with the homework:

Present perfect:

miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015

Welcome unit Exam revission

Some of you had a good result, congratulations!
But some have to practise more.
Here are the exercises you haveto repeat:

1 Make the ing form for these verbs (5 points)

1.     Run_   running
2.     Show   ______________
3.     Have   ______________
4.     Swim   _____________
5.     Lie       _____________
6.     Study   ______________
7.     Speak ______________
8.     Chat    ______________
9.     Sing     ______________
10.  Tie      ______________

2. Make the third person singular of the present simple. (5 points)

1.     To run                         He runs
2.     To watch         She _____________
3.     To copy          He ______________
4.     To go              She ______________
5.     To snow          It ______________
6.     To play           Laura ______________
7.     To have           Ismael ______________
8.     To speak         Adrián ______________
9.     To study          Nerea ______________
10.  To fly              The bird ___________

3. Circle the correct option (a,b, or c): (10 points)
1. We use the present simple for actions…
A) that are happening now        B) that are habits          C) special actions that don’t need an auxiliary verb
2. We use the present continuous for actions…
A) that are happening now        B) that are habits          C) special actions that don’t need an auxiliary verb

4. Put the verbs into the correct tense (present simple OR present continuous): (20 points)
The train always ________________(1: leave) on time.
"What's the matter? Why ________________(2: cry/you)?"
That's strange. They never________________(3: not to watch) TV.
- He_______       usually  _________(4: not to speak) very good English.
Please be quiet! I________________(5: do) my homework.
Where________________(6: live/they)?
Listen! John ________________ music! (7: play)
I often  ________________(8: go) to the swimming pool.
Harold Black's a famous pianist. He________________(9: give) two or three concerts every week.
He ________________(10: travel) a lot and this week he's in New York.
He________________(11: stay) at an expensive hotel. He's at his hotel now.
He________________(12: have) his breakfast in the dining−room.
He________________(13: drink) a cup of coffee and he________________(14: read) a newspaper.
Harold is always very busy. He________________(15: play) the piano regularly.
He________________(16: practise) for four hours every day.
He________________(17: go) to bed late and he always ________________(18: get up) early. But he sometimes________________(19: get) dressed too quickly, and this morning he________________(20: wear) one blue sock and one red one!